Monday 21 December 2009

Happy Christmas

I would like to wish followers of my blog a very Happy Christmas and hope you all have a fantastically busy 2010 modeling and taking photographs.

I will try to make a concerted effect to keep the blog up to date more next year with news of my shoots and projects that I'm interested in.

My mail address has changed and if anybody wishes to contact me for anything to do with photography please use This is so I can stay in touch with everybody when my wife and I are traveling in our motorhome.

Thursday 3 December 2009

Busy Busy Busy

I had a very busy November with 4 shoots in 3 weeks. Now I'm taking a rest until The New Year when I can come back with renewed vigour and lots of ideas for shoots.

Black and white will rule again and the 'Vanilla' images will gradually disappear from my website and model portfolios.

I had been letting the wrong things dictate which direction I was heading in but have recognised the need to get back to where it all started for me two years ago with art nude photography.